Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I came across Bento boxes this weekend on the internet. Bentos are basically a Japanese version of the American brown bag, but way cooler and healthier! I've become fascinated with them as an interesting way to eat healthy on the go. There are "rules" for Bento packing. The ratio of food in the Bento is 3:2:1 (3 parts grain/1 parts protein/2 parts veggies). Different family members get different size boxes depending on age/weight/height. The food separated in to little compartments and sometimes put in cupcake liner type holders to keep the flavors from melding together.

I found this blog to be very informational and she has a lot of links!

There are TONS of different Bento boxes and sets out there for purchase (tons on eBay). Not wanting to invest too much money right now, I bought a nice sized plastic Tupperware-type box this weekend to pack Mitch a bento for lunches. I packed the first one last night for today, but failed to get a picture. I'll try to snap one of tomorrow's masterpiece! I'm thinking this is good practice for when I have to pack lunches for the kids. I have a few years to perfect my Bento making.

1 Thoughts From Others:

Karin said...

This is all very fascinating, but, um...two posts without pictures of Ella??

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