Monday, June 9, 2008

Happy Birthday to All!

So pretty much if I know you and your birthday falls anywhere between February and December of this year and you are not my child (Ella's not even getting a party this year) or husband, I have or will fail to call, e-mail, send out a card and/or gift.

I missed both sisters-in-law and mother-in-law in March. I missed Stephanie in April. I missed Jen in May (surprisingly, my dad got a card that month). I did manage an email to my Aunt yesterday.

I apologize profusely and feel really terrible. But I'm just praying that I feel well enough to manage Christmas this year!

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone! And that's all I promise until mid-2009...

1 Thoughts From Others:

Nerdy said...

Good timing Sister! Mine is this Sunday so I'll just take this post as my greeting. :)

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